Rating Agencies & Securitization Von Oliver von Schweinitz Wer ein Wertpapier auf den Kapitalmärkten erwirbt, hat keinen Kontakt
zum "Verkäufer" des Kreditrisikos. Das Risiko eines Fehlkaufes ist erheblich. »
In July 1969, when Neil Armstrong took his first steps on the Moon, his great leap for mankind was uniquely an American achievement. American vision
and management, American science and technology, American finance and investment, American skill and diligence, American will, planning and dedication accomplished what was arguably the greatest human
achievement of the 20th century – perhaps of all time thus far – and America and Americans stood alone as the only country and the only people who could have done it.
Yet it came just at a point when, as the passing years have increasingly demonstrated, American power had begun to wane. In retrospect, what was
a peak of human achievement at that time was also a peak in American power.
“The good news is that panic scenarios about the world running out of oil
anytime soon are wrong. The bad news is that the price of oil is going to continue to rise. Peak Oil is not our problem. Politics is. Big Oil wants to
sustain high oil prices. Dick Cheney and friends are all too willing to assist.”
Global Energy Security
“...equal and non-discriminatory access to nuclear technology...”
Statement on Non-Proliferation
Putin: “The most important thing for us is to develop our economy”
J. F. KENNEY, Joint Institute of The Physics of the Earth - Russian Academy of Sciences / Ac. Ye. F. SHNYUKOV,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine / V. A. KRAYUSHKIN, Institute of Geological Sciences / I. K. KARPOV, Institute of Geochemistry - Russian Academy of Sciences / V. G. KUTCHEROV,
Russian State University of Oil and Gas I. N. PLOTNIKOVA, National Petroleum Company of Tatarstan (TatNeft S.A.)
...And what if the validity of the original 18th century hypothesis that all oil and gas resources have been generated from biological matter in the chemical and thermodynamic environments of the
earth`s crust. There is an alternative theory - already 50 years old - which suggests an inorganic origin for additional oil and gas (Porfir`yev, 1974, Abbas, 1996; Kenney, 1996; Gold, 1999)
Whistleblower Against Vulcans from Very High Up Earl Louis Mountbatten of Burma (1979): Speech on the occasion of the presentation of the Louis Weiss Foundation
Peace Prize to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), at Strasbourg on 11th May 1979 (From SvZ 1979) * Mountbatten was assassinated about 15 weeks after the speech. *
“I probably had a hundred meetings with
Gonzales, and there was only one time I was talking about a national-security issue when Addington wasn’t there,” ...
“My conflicts were all with Addington, who was
a proxy for the vice president. They were very, very stressful.”
Impeaching Twisted Guts / Stephen Colbert empathizes with George W. Bush at the 2006 White House Correspondents Dinner
Not so many years ago, many hoped Europe might step up as a counterweight to US imperial policies. Such hopes were focused in particular
on Germany - not only as the leading European power, but as a known moderating, non-military force in international politics.
Im bisherigen Programmentwurf der WASG wird nicht erkennbar, dass die politischen Prozesse hierzulande in ein weltpolitisches Kräftespiel eingebettet
sind. Die unter der rot-grünen Metapher „Agenda 2010“ einschließlich der „Hartz-Gesetze“ vorgenommenen Weichenstellungen haben Bezugspunkte
zur Geopolitik, zur (fossilen) Energieversorgung, zum Weltwirtschafts- und Finanzsystem und zu dem weltweiten wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Mainstream, der Begründungen liefert, mit denen spezifische
Kapitalinteressen überdeckt werden.
Money Went Around the World and Made the World Go Round (from reOrient)
“But why and how did this money make the world go round? Why did anybody—indeed everybody!—want this money so much as to drive up its price, and in Asia and especially in
China to keep the money that arrived from elsewhere? Because people and companies and governments there were able to use money to buy other
commodities, including precious metals such as gold and silver. ... No less and no more than anywhere else, either then or today. That is, the money
supported and generated effective demand, and the demand elicited supply. Of course, additional demand could only elicit additional supply where and
when it could. That is, there had to be productive capacity and/or the possibility to expand it through investment and improved productivity.”
“The argument here is that that expansion was possible and did happen, especially in many parts of Asia. Otherwise, the Asians would not have
demanded and bought the additional foreign and domestic money either by supplying commodities or other money for it. If supplies of commodities had
not been able to expand, any increased demand for them would just have driven up the price of existing commodities through what is called
inflation—and/or there would not have been demand to import this additional new money in the first place! That is, the new silver and copper
money, not to mention the additional credit it supported, increasingly monetized and stimulated production in the world, regional, "national," and
many local "economies," that is in these parts of the single global economy. ... The combination of these arguments here supports my thesis that there
was only one world economy/system and that it had its own structure and dynamic. Money played an important part during the period of global development from 1400 to 1800. Money went around the world and made
the world go round in this global casino in which it supplied and vastly increased the lifeblood that fueled and oiled the wheels of agriculture, industry, and commerce.”
The Essence of Insolvency and Chapter 9 of US Code on Bankruptcy
Before describing insolvency procedures pursuant to the US Chapter 9 in
detail a brief general point about the essence of all insolvency regulations seems advisable to clarify their very essence. As already shown above
there is the need for an efficient procedure to solve cases of overindebtedness, as phantom debts otherwise continue to grow creating
problems to anyone, including creditors. Historical evidence proves that even debt prisons cannot make unpayable debts paid. Once it is clear that
creditors cannot get all payments to which they are entitled, it becomes obvious that a procedure to share losses is necessary and advisable. Such
procedures were developed by all civilised legal systems.
The Lost Science of Money A Speech at the US Treasury by Stephen Zarlenga
Afterword: Europe and the political geography of global confrontation. A world system
perspective on “Behind the War on Terror” By Arno Tausch
Advance Praise - North America Edition
The Project for the First People‘s Century
Motivation and Declaration of Principles
Geopolitische Anmerkungen 1990/1991
Eine Präsidentenrede am 11. September / Krieg gegen den Süden? / Bewegung für den Frieden? / Antlitze von Duellanten / Ein
Jahrhundertkrieg wird eingeleitet / Die Augen der Vereinten Nationen / »Bellizisten« / Ablenkungen / Selbstvergatterung / Historisch-politische Aufklärung - gesamtdeutsch / Die Erledigung des
9/11 "Conspiracies" and the Defactualisation of Analysis / by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed
Wie Henry Kissinger dabei gestört wurde, auf eine wichtige Frage zu antworten (11. September 2001, gegen 15 Uhr 45, Frankfurt am Main, Alte Oper) - Video Real Player
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1964-1968, Volume XIX, Arab-Israeli Crisis and War, 1967
Nahum Goldmanns Rückblick nach 70 Jahren auf seine Reisebriefe aus Palästina, 1914 / Paris, im Februar 1982
Oil and the origins of the
‘War to make the world safe for Democracy’ “At first almost unnoticed after 1850, then with significant intensity after the
onset of the Great Depression of 1873 in Britain, the sun began to set on the British Empire. By the end of the 19th Century, though the City of London
remained undisputed financier of the world, British industrial excellence was in terminal decline.” By F William Engdahl, 22 June, 2007
Man muß sich nicht wie ein Guru vorkommen, um die Voraussage zu wagen, daß der 20. Dezember 2000 in die Finanzgeschichte eingehen wird – als der
Tag, an dem »die Märkte« über die Blase, deren Aroma sie so lange gierig geschnüffelt haben und deren Binnendruck ihnen mitunter schon Ohren und
Nasen zu verstopfen schien, von immerwährender Betörung zunächst einmal in den Zustand der Verstörung übergegangen sind.
Im Jahr 1988, zur Herbsttagung des Internationalen Währungsfonds und der Weltbank in Berlin, hatten sich die Studien von Zeitfragen letztmals
ausführlich mit »Fakten zur Schuldenkrise«, mit »Kampagne und Gegenkongreß« sowie mit der Enzyklika Johannes Pauls II über die
“Strukturen der Sünde” befaßt. (Heft 3/1988). Der Bericht schlägt die Brücke zwischen den Umwälzungen Ende der 80er Jahre zum derzeitigen Zustand des Weltwirtschaftssystems.
“Das imperiale Prinzip, wonach nationale Mengen in einem Ordnungszusammenhang (im Geltenden, im Opfer) gehalten werden, ist der unreine Reflex des
poetischen Universalismus. Es könnte ungenügend scheinen, daß es der Weltpoesie nicht gelingt, eine andere Figur zu erzeugen.
Jenes System eines durch Verfügung über die entscheidenden Machtmittel überragenden Standortes, aus dem die dominierenden Familien mit Hilfe der
sich als Teile der herrschenden Klasse empfindenden Provinzialeliten die Aktivitäten des Imperiums koordinieren, ermangelt tatsächlich einerseits als
das von Caesar während seines Aufenthaltes in Spanien entwickelte Instrument des Prinzipats, das nur immer variiert wurde und gegenwärtig
zum »globalen« Prozeß der Enteignung der realen Wirtschaft durch das fiktive Finanzkapital verfeinert wird, indem es die reine Selbsterzeugung des
Prinzeps um den Charakter der Verdoppelung verkürzt, des durchgeführten Geistes (weshalb es Petrarca mit dem »alter Augustus« korrigiert);
andererseits ist es nicht der Geist, etwas anderes zu wollen, sondern die Erzeugung des ähnlichen zu erzeugen ist Geist. Das wahre Gelten ist das
Pneuma, das gesetzte Büßen oder der Redemptor.”
Hans Imhoff: Erster Besuch in der Abyssos “Schon zur Zeit von 68 gab es keine Spur mehr von 68.”
Gespräch mit Hans Imhoff mit einem Schlußwort des Vorsitzenden, Adornos gedenkend